SchoolOS Digital Library

This is basically a 1.8GB large DVD which has 98 Ebooks for School Education collected from various resources.

What it Contains

SchoolOS Digital Library is contains Wikipedia Books, I have included Following 38 Books. These 38 Books contains various topics  like physics, chemistry, math, information about all countries, science, technologies, world war, Nobel price, Computers. See All list on
Total Wikipedia Books included  = 38
Total Pagecount of 38 Books from Wikipedia = 14728.
Total size = 1.5 GB

SchoolOS Digital Library contains Books from various other source too.
For example
Computer Masti Text Books from IIT Bombay. Computer Masti textbooks are available from class 1st to class 5th. (1st standard to 5th standard)

A Good Number of Ebooks are taken from FLOSS-Mannuals website - They are all about computer software like VLC, Firefox etc.
KDE-EDU project has created a good number of educational software. Children love these tools. I have also included mannuas of these tools too.

These 60 e-books is 300MB.

Whole SchoolOS Digital Library contains 98 Ebooks and size is 1.8GB
This is it. The first version I am uploading will be 1.8GB size ISO image which you can download free of cost and burn on DVD.

This I have done at my bandwidth, Its your time to contribute


Using Torrent
Direct Download

How to Contribute

* Download this iso image and give it some schools. Student need these books. Please do it.
* If you know good ebooks which do not have copyright restriction for redistribution then please send it to us. Just sending the direct url will work fine.
* You can help us finding good books Gutenberg
* See The List  -

Contact for Adding more Ebooks and Joining "The TEAM"
narendra AT